What does the Treasurer’s Office do?
- The Treasurer is the chief financial officer for the county and is responsible for the collection, custody, and disbursement of county funds. The Treasurer does NOT set the tax rate nor assess values. The Treasurer only collects the taxes.
- Bland County Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes are due December 5 th of each year. Taxes are considered delinquent December 6 th of each year. Late payment penalty (5%) and interest (10% APR) are added December 6th . VA Code 58.1-3916.
What is the grace period for paying my taxes in full?
- Tax bills are due on the due date, December 5. Our office is bound by the Virginia Code regarding waiving the penalty or interest. The Code was written to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all taxpayers and prevent the Treasurer’s Office from making subjective decisions. Per the Virginia Code, localities do not have the legal authority to waive late payment penalty and interest on past due accounts, except under very strict circumstances as provided in VA Code 58.1-3916. Tax payments sent in the mail must be postmarked by the due date to avoid late payment penalties and interest.
How are my tax payments applied if I have delinquent taxes?
- Tax payments MUST be applied to the most delinquent account first pursuant to VA Code 58.1-3913.
What methods are available for paying taxes?
- The Treasurer’s Office accepts cash (in the office only), checks (in the office or by mail), credit and debit cards (in the office or over the phone with applicable fees). You may pay in the office, through the mail, or over the phone with applicable fees. Online payments are in progress!
What alternative methods are available for paying taxes?
- The Treasurer’s Office allows citizens to pre-pay on upcoming taxes through two programs (citizens may not pre-pay if they have delinquent taxes VA Code 58.1-3913.
- Pay as you go: Citizens who are not delinquent on their taxes may use any available method to pay any amount at any time as often as they like to pre-pay their upcoming taxes.
- Automatic Pre-Payment Service: The APS Program allows you to make payments automatically each month (the 5th , or next business day if the 5th lands on a weekend or holiday). When you enroll in the program, the amount you choose will be deducted from your bank account on the 5th of each month and applied towards the real estate and/or personal property taxes you specify. You can obtain an authorization form from the Treasurer’s office or call and have one mailed to you.
What collection methods does the Treasurer’s Office use for collecting delinquent taxes?
- Bland County uses a variety of collection methods allowed under the Virginia Code. We place DMV Stops which block all DMV transactions with the Department of Motor Vehicles for all unpaid personal property taxes and vehicle license fees. We also utilize tax liens on wages and bank accounts and pursue warrants in debt through the court system. Real estate is sold under the Judicial Sale code section through the Courts with all expenses paid by the taxpayer or the court sale. This list does not include all available tools to the Treasurer’s Office to collect delinquent taxes but highlights the tools most used.
Could my property be sold for taxes?
- Yes, your property could be sold for delinquent taxes when delinquent for three years. Real estate is sold under the Judicial Sale “Bill in Equity” code section through the Circuit Court. This is a very expensive process, and all costs are borne by the delinquent taxpayer or taken from the proceeds of the sale. The Judicial Sale process requires extensive notification of the owners, lien holders, and legal publications.
What other services does the Treasurer’s Office provide?
- The Treasurer’s Office also collects county utility payments such as water, sewer, and trash. The office also sells county Dog Tags.