Commissioner of the Revenue of Bland County
The Commissioner of the Revenue is a State Constitutional officer as set forth in the Constitution of Virginia and is the chief assessing officer of the local government. It is an elected position for a four-year term and serves the taxpayers as well as the County.
Some of the taxes processed which generate revenue for Bland County include personal property tax, real estate tax, meals tax, lodging tax and many other taxes that fall within the guidelines of the state and local tax codes. This office keeps a continuous record of the revenue assessed, from which key projections are made to the CountyAdministrator for preparation of the County’s annual budget. State Income Tax, including accelerated returns and estimated income tax processing, are a major function of the office. These revenues go to the Commonwealth of Virginia rather than the local government.
The Commissioner of the Revenue’s Office is regulated by the State Code of Virginia. The responsibility of the Office is to uphold the Constitution and the laws of Virginia. The scope of the work administered and processed, and the taxes assessed by the Commissioner of the Revenue’s Office is extremely broad and complex. This office plays a vital role in the multitude of services offered to taxpayers at the local level.
Additional information & forms:
Form 762A - Return of Business Tangible
Form 762B - Heavy Construction Machinery & Logging Machinery
Requirements for Age & Disabled Credit
Veteran’s Exemption Application
Board of Equalization Hearing Application
Agriculture & Forest Requirement
Special Assessment for Land Preservation - (Taxpayers in Land Use, PLEASE READ)
Land Use Billing, Fees & Deadlines
FOIA Request Rights and Responsibilities