The Bland County Board of Supervisors will, on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 5:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, in the main Courtroom of the Bland County Courthouse, 612 Main Street, Bland, Virginia, conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on adopting an ordinance approving the formation of a joint entity to be known as the Mount Rogers Cigarette Tax Board and bestowing on such entity all powers necessary and proper for the performance of its duties as provided by law. This proposed action is in accordance with Virginia Code, §15.2-1300.
Copies of the proposed ordinance are available for public inspection at the office of the County Administrator located on the 2nd floor of the Bland County Courthouse, 612 Main Street in Bland, Virginia, during normal business hours or on the county website at
The public is invited to attend the hearing and express their views on this proposed ordinance.
By Authority of the Bland County Board of Supervisors
Eric Workman, Ed.D., County Administrator
Cigarette Tax Board Agreement - Click here
Ordinance Joint Exercise of Powers - Click here