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Bland County Reassessment
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Contact: Wampler-Eanes Appraisal Group part of Vision Government Solutions

Bland County has retained Wampler-Eanes Appraisal Group part of Vision Government Solutions to perform the County’s 2026 General Reassessment of real estate, which will become on effective on January 1, 2026. The County is currently on a 6-year reassessment cycle. The Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, mandates that each locality periodically perform a general reassessment of real estate to determine each property’s fair market value and to equalize each property’s value in relation to similar properties.

When the members of the reassessment team begin visiting properties, they will be carrying photo I.D.’s and will have magnetic County Reassessment signs on their cars. We want to alert the public to this, because our appraisers will be coming out to residents’ homes to look at dwellings and their property in general, as well as to take exterior pictures/measurements to determine their fair market value. It is our goal to get an accurate assessment of all real estate in the County. No reassessment staff will be entering any home.

The field assessments are expected to be completed in September 2025 and the notices of the proposed changes in the assessed values will be mailed out to property owners in November 2025. These notices will also give details on the method of appealing the proposed assessed values.

If a property owner has any additional information that they would like the appraisers to know, please call 1-800-213-7314.
