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Press Release - Bland County Celebrates the Official Opening Myofunctional Therapy of Southwest Virginia
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(Bland, Virginia) – Bland County officials are excited to welcome Myofunctional Therapy of Southwest Virginia, LLC to the Bland County business community. Officials joined with business owner Stina Wilburn on Monday, February 13th in celebration of the new business. Stephen Kelley, Supervisor for the Seddon District, welcomed Mrs. Wilburn and her new business by stating, “It is fantastic to see an entrepreneur from Bland County open a business. We encourage everyone to support Mrs. Wilburn and her business, Myofunctional Therapy of Southwest Virginia, LLC to see if they have a service that can meet your needs.”

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is a highly effective, non-invasive therapy that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of functional, structural and muscular issues of the mouth, face, and neck. Collaborative relationships and referrals with other allied professionals such as dentists, orthodontist, ENTs, sleep study specialists, primary care physicians, pediatricians and speech pathologists provide the patients with a multidisciplinary approach.

Conditions frequently associated with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are gum disease, dental issues (chipped, cracked, worn teeth, tori), Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD), eating disorders, digestive issues, stress, diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic headaches, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, tongue tie, tongue thrust, oral habits and tinnitus.

OMDs in children affect how the face, jaws, teeth and airway develop. Not only does inadequate airway space impact quality of sleep, but proper breathing and oxygen supply is an essential part of optimal health and development. Sleep deprivation, bed-wetting, behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, and digestive issues may all have a direct link to poor breathing. Early diagnosis and correction of OMDs through Myofunctional Therapy can improve a child’s development and reduce many unwanted complications later in life.

In addition to OMT, it is also very important to include foods, herbs, and spices known to fight inflammation for overall healing. Juice Plus+ is a great way to add fruits and vegetables to your current diet bridging the gap between what you are eating and what you should be eating. Craniosacral Therapy also helps in releasing fascia tissue that has become tight and restricted over time adding to the disorders. This is recommended as an adjunct to OMT and is also offered at the same location.

“Bland County has a strong business community, and we welcome Myofunctional Therapy of Southwest Virginia, LLC and wish them much success,” stated David Dillow, chair of the Bland County Economic Development Authority (EDA). Mr. Dillow continued, “small businesses and entrepreneurships provide a strong foundation to any business community, and we are pleased to be able to support businesses with events such as today.”

Additional information about the services provided by Myofunctional Therapy of Southwest Virginia, LLC can be obtained from their Facebook page or website at You may also reach them at (276)-200-7203 or by email at


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