Public Hearing - Proposed modification of Bland County Code Sec. 50-257 Meals Tax Levy
The Bland County Board of Supervisors will, on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 5:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, in the main Courtroom of the Bland County Courthouse, 612 Main Street, Bland, Virginia, conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on:
Proposed modification of Bland County Code Sec. 50-257 Meals Tax Levy (proposed modifications in italics):
Click here for Meals Tax Ordinance Revision
There is hereby imposed and levied by the town county on each person a tax at the rate of four six percent on the amount paid for meals purchased from any food establishment, whether prepared in such food establishment or not, whether consumed on the premises or not. In the computation of this tax, any fraction of one-half cent or more shall be treated as one cent.
This action is pursuant to revision to Virginia State Code § 58.1-3833 that was amended in 2020. A copy of this proposed amendment to the Bland County Ordinances can be viewed at the Bland County Administration Office, Suite 201, Bland County Courthouse.
By Authority of the Bland County Board of Supervisors