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When: November 16, 2013 12:30 PM until 03:45 PM
Bland County Health Department in cooperation with area veterinarians, will be holding clinics for the immunization of dogs and cats against rabies on October 26th (southern end of Bland County) and November 16th (Northern end of Bland County). State law requires all dogs and cats 4 months and older to maintain a current rabies vaccination.
When: November 12, 2013 09:30 PM until November 13, 2013 02:59 AM
When: November 1, 2013 until November 30, 2013, All Day
20% off select items!
When: October 29, 2013 08:30 PM until 09:30 PM
When: October 28, 2013 09:00 PM until 11:00 PM
The Legislative Committee of the Wytheville-Wythe-Bland Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a Candidates Forum on Monday, October 28 for Bland County Citizens at the Bland Courthouse at 6 pm. The proposed agenda allows for each of the candidates to make a 3-minute introductory statement concerning their qualifications for office. There will also be time for questions and answers. For more information on the Candidates Forum call the Chamber of Commerce at 276.223.3365.
When: October 26, 2013 09:30 PM until 11:30 PM
Come in costume! No need to register, bring your friends and family!
When: October 26, 2013, All Day
When: October 26, 2013 12:15 PM until 02:30 PM
Bland County Health Department in cooperation with area veterinarians, will be holding clinics for the immunization of dogs and cats against rabies on October 26th (southern end of Bland County) and November 16th (Northern end of Bland County). State law requires all dogs and cats 4 months and older to maintain a current rabies vaccination.
When: October 26, 2013 12:00 PM until 03:00 PM
Dress up in your costume and trick-or-treat at the Farmers Market! Treats available, and pumpkin carving activity
When: October 22, 2013 08:00 PM until 10:00 PM